21. To go about improving communications - you could:,0 Talk very loudly to make sure they can hear you.,0 Talk as clearly and distinctly as you can to avoid misunderstandings.,2 Use written communications ONLY - since it provides documentation.,1 Encourage feedback through friendliness and listening.,5 Restate the issue many times - even if the person is not listening.,0 22. Regarding good decision making - it helps when:,0 You continue to look for fresh input even after making the decision.,5 You stick by your decision no matter how sour it seems to be turning out.,0 You consider long range effects of your decision.,4 You forget to write down alternative courses of action in case first action fails.,0 Your decisions make a lot of 'waves' because it makes people aware of your leadership.,0 23. To be more creative the BEST thing you can do is:,0 Drive home a different way to work several times a week.,3 Let people work alone and think in private to come up with creative ideas.,0 Look for a lot more than one answer to the problem.,4 Read the newspaper.,0 Have a brainstorming session with a number of other creative people and pool ideas.,5 24. Positive attitudes aid leadership. You can help them by:,0 Play it safe and don't make any decisions that might be a mistake.,0 Look at all the things that went wrong last month so you can be glad about the future.,0 If you have a really bad day - wish it away. It worked for Dorothy.,0 Remembering that finding a worm in an apple is not as bad as only half a worm.,2 Focus on the many ways a thing CAN be done instead of problems and obstacles in the way.,5 25. Managing your time is important. To find more of it - you could:,0 Sleep fewer hours every night.,1 Work in 'blocks' of time on important projects and refuse interruptions.,5 Cut 25% off of each personal phone call you take every day.,0 Throw some lesser important work in the garbage can and forget it.,0 Eliminate some tasks or reports if they are of no particular value.,4 26. To increase how much I can get done - I should:,0 Use delegation on any job a subordinate can do.,5 Try delegation once and if it fails - forget it.,0 Try delegation several times and replace the person if it continues to fail.,1 Work an extra hour each day.,0 Work smarter and not harder.,1 27. Using Planning to be better organized - I should:,0 Remember that having no plan is worse than a bad plan.,2 Schedule and plan every minute of subordinates daily routine.,0 Keep my plans secret so the competition does not get wind of them.,0 Make written copies of the plans and discuss them with all involved.,5 Only write out plans when I am not busy with other tasks.,0 28. To lower my stress levels I should try to:,0 Just let it all out and tell everyone how I feel.,0 Tell a co-worker everything that is bothering me and relieve my built up troubles.,0 Keep it to myself until I get home and then spill it all to my spouse.,0 Just practice forgetting all my problems and soon they will all go away.,1 Avoid all alcohol - smoking - drugs - and anything which eventually will add to my stress.,5 29. The best leaders will always try to:,0 Play favorites to let people know it pays to please them.,0 Let thorny problems take all day if that is what it needs to get it solved.,0 Encourage others to try new ideas and methods so all may benefit.,5 Be quick to criticize when people do things wrong.,0 Keep quiet and not praise others in order to let the staff learn responsibility on their own.,0 30. The BEST kind of Boss usually:,0 Really Listens to workers when they have a problem and then offers suggestions.,5 Is fair and treats most people fairly in the department.,2 Points out 'mole-hill' mistakes to keep people on top of problems as they arise.,0 Is rigid and avoids new changes which might cost the company money.,0 Is occasionally aware of good work when it is done.,1 31. A good Leader handles tardiness to work by:,0 Letting each individual be as late as their value to the company warrants.,0 Letting a good employee be up to an hour late but make poor ones report exactly on time.,0 Explaining why everyone has to report on time for good morale and then enforce the policy.,5 Allowing really great employees to have three to fifteen tardiness periods per quarter.,0 Firing a person on the spot the third time they are late to work.,0 32. The most important trait in an employee is:,0 Works well under pressure.,1 Wears nice and attractive clothes to work each day.,0 Says the right thing in a pressure situation.,1 Strives to improve performance and has a concern for department/company goals.,5 Comes to work on time.,0 33. In delegating jobs and authority to others - it is important to:,0 See that they understand the results to be achieved and ask them for their plan.,5 Ask them if they want these new tasks to be added to their workload.,0 Give them only a little authority to test their leadership abilities.,1 Give them NO added authority to see how they solve the problem without it.,1 Give them only sketchy information to see how creative they will be.,0 34. Motivation is improved most by:,0 Constant feedback on all mistakes made to improve performance.,0 Letting little problems go unattended so as to focus only on important problems.,0 Showing how each person's contributions affect the whole company's goals and how they fit in.,5 Allow any and all mistakes to be made in the course of learning and trying new methods out.,0 Allow some mistakes to be made as part of the learning process.,2 35. Communications mistakes can best be avoided by:,0 Using written communications.,1 Using verbal communications.,1 Using limited communications so they can learn from their mistakes.,0 Making written communications as warm and friendly as verbal ones.,2 Using written and verbal communications in combination.,5 36. When you make a decision - it's best to:,0 Disregard the consequences to others.,0 Weigh the value of each possible alternative.,5 Get the input of others occasionally.,1 Consider the 'worst outcome' possibility.,3 Make it quickly so as not to procrastinate.,0 37. Creativity is best expanded by:,0 Using 'brainstorming' of all involved people in the project.,5 Having creativity meetings early in the morning when people are fresh.,1 Tell people that you may need their input on this project or problem.,2 Evaluate each idea as it is presented.,0 Taking off early several times a week and going to a quite place to think.,0 38. Having a positive attitude is best helped when I:,0 Focus on all the problems that have to be solved to get to the goals.,0 Blame others for the mistakes that occur so as to keep my mind free for positive thoughts.,0 Avoid taking any risks and thus eliminate errors which keeps my attitude positive.,0 Look forward to learning something new each day - even if from a mistake.,5 Have several 'Scotch and Sodas' after work each day.,0 39. Time management for me is aided most when I:,0 Keep a list of things to do in front of me each hour of each day.,5 When I think about where my time was used at the end of each day.,1 Concentrate on the 'fun' things I like to do each day.,0 Forget how much time a project takes and just work hard on it.,0 Do all the urgent jobs first even if they are not so important.,0 40. To get more done in my department - I can:,0 Save fun or optional jobs for the middle of the day.,0 Allow for changes in my schedule - but not allow my main focus to waver.,2 Plan my work - then follow my plan every day.,5 Stay busy all day - even if not a high priority item.,0 Teach others to worry about their own problems and never come to me with their troubles.,0 ****** THIS IS THE END OF THE TEST ******,0 Thank you for completing it,0 and taking the time to do your best.,0 Your raw total score in on the bottom Left.,0 Your average score for all is on the right,0 ****** May successful Leadership be yours ****,0 END,0